Aircheck – Wayne Trout WSBA December 4th, 1962

Wayne Trout Record Hop Ad (The Gazette & Daily) January 12th, 1962

In this exhibit we present a rare aircheck of Wayne Trout from around 2:45pm to 3:00pm on December 2nd, 1962. This recording also includes a “WSBA First News First” newscast featuring Charles Frederick.

Wayne Trout Appearance Ad (Intelligencer Journal) March 17th, 1962


WSBA – Wayne Trout Aircheck with Charles Frederick Newscast – December 4th, 1962

VIDEO: Ed Lincoln’s Farewell – WGAL News Story; October 7th, 1992

In the history of WSBA few people could claim the tenure that Ed Lincoln had. Ed started at WSBA way back in 1951 staying with the station for a total of 41 years. In this exhibit, we present a news story written and voiced by reporter Sean Young and broadcast by WGAL-TV in Lancaster marking Ed Lincoln’s final broadcast. This is a rare and very interesting look into the WSBA control room when records were still being played. There are also some memorable names including Jim Horn, Jack Malloy and Curt Hart among others.

Let’s go back to October 7th, 1992 to say goodbye to WSBA Legend, Ed Lincoln.


WGAL-TV – “Farewell Ed” Ed Lincoln Says Goodbye To WSBA – October 7th, 1992