Aircheck – Ed Coles WSBA December 4th, 1962

Ed Coles Record Hop Ad (Lancaster New Era) May 18th, 1962

In this exhibit we present a rare aircheck of Ed Coles from around 11:43am to Noon on December 4th, 1962.

Ed Coles Record Hop Ad (Lancaster New Era) August 24th, 1962


WSBA – Ed Coles Aircheck December 4th, 1962

WSBA Jingles! PAMS Series 17

PAMS Series 17 Reel To Reel Box Design

A radio station strives to carve out an identity that is unique and memorable. This identity translates into rating which translate into sales (theoretically). In the 1960s a radio station’s jingle package was their identity. These “songs between the songs” would stick in the mind of the listener just as much as the catchy song at the top of the charts.

WSBA 1962

Most radio stations used jingles and there were a variety of companies producing these exclusive packages for radio stations of all formats. PAMS of Dallas was one of the leaders in jingle production and provided the sound of some of the greatest Top-40 radio stations in the country.

WSBA was one of these top stations and in 1961 they purchased the PAMS Series 17 “New Frontier” package which is presented here for your enjoyment.


WSBA Series 17 – Cut 01 (You’ll Hear It First)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 02 (Cha-Cha)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 03 (Birthday Winner)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 04 (Citizenship In Action)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 05 (Curtains Going Up)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 06 (Let It Snow)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 08 (Drive Safely)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 09 (Song That’s Number One)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 10 (Turnpike Conditions)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 11 (Winning Spot)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 12 (Weekend Weather Word)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 13 (A Good Day Coming)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 14 (Let’s Check The Weather Together)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 15 (Weather Watching With you)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 16 (This Week’s Pick Hit)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 17 (Sports In Action)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 18 (Where The listening Is Fun)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 19 (Weekend Action)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 20 (More Calls Coming)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 21 (Weekend Fun-Time Report)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 22 (Contest Information)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 23 (Horn Logo #1)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 24 (Horn Logo #2)

WSBA Series 17 – Cut 25 (Horn Logo #3)

WSBA Personality Profile – Johnny Knight

Johnny Knight (Jack Crawford) started his broadcasting career in the Milton-Lewisburg area of Central Pennsylvania. Some of his early stations included WUDO and WUNS in Lewisburg and WMLP in Milton. Johnny would make is way to Reading’s WRAW and by the early 1970s could be heard on WSBA.

Johnny Knight at WMLP-AM – Milton, PA

This personality profile would have been included in WSBA sales presentations. Dated March of 1973, this profile provides a brief professional background of Johnny’s career.

The profile states:

Johnny Knight has a well-rounded background. Coming into broadcasting via the electronics route, Johnny quickly acquired a first class FCC operator’s license. His program director’s stint at WUDO also permitted him an opportunity to do some selling, thus understanding what happens on the other side of the microphone. At WSBA he is not only a top on air personality but is in great demand for his personal appearances. Johnny produces many of the public service spots heard on WSBA.

Johnny Knight at WRAW-AM – Reading, PA 1967

Johnny would finish his broadcasting career in 1986 as Jack Carter at WUBE in Cincinnati Ohio.

Johnny Knight’s (Jack Carter) final show – WUBE – Cincinnati, OH September 1986

We’re lucky to be able to present, not only a WSBA Personality Profile of Johnny Knight but also a composite of his work at WSBA from 1973.


WSBA (York, PA) Johnny Knight Composite, 1973

“Dangerous” Dan Donovan on WSBA – June 1967

Dan Donovan Promo from WFIL

For those that listened to WFIL during its Top-40 days the name Dan Donovan should be very familiar. Dan, whose real name was Blaine Harvey, spent over ten years at Famous 56, but prior to his days in Philadelphia he was cutting his teeth in Central Pennsylvania. He got his start at WGET in Gettysburg with stints in Boston at WMEX and in Baltimore at WCBM eventually making his way to WSBA in York.

Dan’s career would eventually take him to the Twin Cities where he would spend most of the 1980s at KS-95 KSTP-FM, finishing out his career at Kool 108 KQQL-FM.

Dan passed away in 2014. Here is a link to his obituary from the Star Tribune.

Our presentation takes us back to 1967 as “Dangerous” Dan Donovan holds down the afternoon shift. In this clip you’ll hear some great WSBA jingles and classic contests including WSBA’s Secret Citizen and WSBA’s Cash Call.


WSBA-AM Dan Donovan June 14th 1967